Kai came home from school the first week of school and had a sealed envelope in his backpack. I pulled it out and it had his name on it. I asked him what it was, he said a letter from someone in class. So the nosey mom that I am, I ripped it open and found a card with some weird wolf on it...I opened the card and saw this...
I read it and looked at Kai...he had a huge grin on his face. I said, "Way to go Kai!" and gave him a high 5. I said, "Is Brigitte your Girlfriend?" He said, no...she is just my friend.
The next day I was walking Kai to school and I said, "bye Kai!" as he started walking across the street. The crossing guard said, "This is Kai? I hear about Kai every day after school for hours! My daughter thinks he is so cute and cool!" Then she said, "My daughter is Brigitte!"
Kai again was just grinning from ear to ear. He was trying to be cool about it, but I could see that he was loving every minute of it!
Yesterday I checked his back pack and he had a little card in his back pack that said, "Kai, I dont have a crush on you any more. Actually I dont have a crush on anyone. Write back, Brigitte."
I said, "I'm so sorry Kai. How does that make you feel?" He said, "Its ok...now we can be best friends. I want Brigitte to be my best friend. I dont want her to have a crush on me."
So there you go...this love story all worked out in the end.